Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Experimental Film: Unleashed Upon the World

So: Experimental Film is finally out, and I really should be cataloguing the response. Therefore, I'll start with the first official review, from Crows 'n' Bones ( I'm very happy with it, to say the least. And Alyx Dellamonica wrote a piece called "Five Fucking Great Things About Experimental Film," here ( Very nice indeed, as was Helen Marshall putting Experimental Film onto her part of the Weird Fiction Review Best of the Year list ( She also talked about it on Facebook, as did my Mom. People continue to talk about it generally, which rocks.

Also, and I can't link to this, unfortunately...Laird effin' Barron reviewed the re-released ebook version of my first two collections that just came out from CZP, in Locus magazine. Thanks to a friend I have a scanned version, but it's very difficult to copy/paste anything from, so you'll just have to take my word for it that it is a KICK-ASS double review. It makes me feel ultra-special.;)

Meanwhile, two very neat reprints: "The Emperor's Old Bones" at Nightmare Magazine (, along with an Author Spotlight interview I only vaguely recall doing (, plus "Signal to Noise" at Apex ( And Dejan Ognjanovic was wonderful enough to run all the stuff he had to cut out of our interview for Rue Morgue's Lovecraft issue online, here (!Why-is-LOVECRAFT-still-relevant-Seven-experts-weigh-in/cjds/5654c8140cf2b6a6e93156c2). Thus far, only one person has called me a "parasite" for continuing to write Lovecraftiana even though I feel able to acknowledge both Lovecraft's continuing influence on horror and his frank racism without my head exploding, for which I'm grateful. We'll see how it goes, I guess.

That's all for now. I'm trying to rough out the next novel, which is exciting and terrifying. Got to turn things around fast, these days.

1 comment:

  1. Gemma, the novel is excellent. It came highly recommended, and it blew me away. There's a small, seemingly inconsequential detail that I'm curious about. Chapter 14 (p.213), in the hospital, Lois asks whether Simon has his phone. He answers "...No." and borrows hers. On the next page, his phone chimes when his parents arrive. He uses it again later in the hospital. Is this a minor mistake or deception on his part? I'm puzzled if the latter is true.
